PT-Symmetric Optical Materials and Structures
AFOSR MURI FA9550-14-1-0037
Papers Presentations
Found 45 publications. Page 3 of 3 [previous]
"Optical isolation via PT-symmetric nonlinear Fano resonances"
F. Nazari, N. Bender, H. Ramezani, M.K. Moravvej-Farshi, D. N. Christodoulides, and T. Kottos,
Optics Express 22(8), 9574-9584
"Self-assembly of 21-arm star-like diblock copolymer in bulk and under cylindrical confinement"
Y. Xu, W. Li, F. Qiu, and Z. Lin
Nanoscale, 6, 6844
"Supersymmetric mode converters"
M. Heinrich, M.-A. Miri, S. Stützer, R. El-Ganainy, S. Nolte, A. Szameit, and D. N. Christodoulides
Nature Communications, 5, pp. 3698
"Concept of a reflective power limiter based on nonlinear localized modes"
E. Makri, H. Ramezani, T. Kottos, I. Vitebskiy
Physical Review A 89, 031802
"Unidirectional lasing emerging from frozen light in nonreciprocal cavities"
H. Ramezani, S. Kalish, I. Vitebskiy, T. Kottos
Physical Review Letters 112, 043904
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