PT-Symmetric Optical Materials and Structures
AFOSR MURI FA9550-14-1-0037
Papers Presentations
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"A general route to nanocrystal kebabs periodically assembled on stretched flexible polymer shish"
H. Xu, Y. Xu, X. Pang, Y. He, J. Jung, H. Xia, and Z. Lin
Science Advances. 1, e1500025 (2015)
"Excitons versus Free Carriers Photogeneration in Organometal Trihalide Perovskites Probed by Broadband Ultrafast Polarization Memory Dynamics"
C.-X. Sheng, C. Zhang, Y. Zhai, K. Mielczarek, W. Wang, W. Ma, A. Zakhidov, and Z. Valy Vardeny
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 116601 (2015).
"Macroscopic magnetic structures with balanced gain and loss "
J. M. Lee, T. Kottos, B. Shapiro
Phys. Rev. B 91, 094416 (2015)
"Magnetic Field Effect in Hybrid Perovskite Films and Devices"
C. Zhang, D. Sun, C-X. Sheng, K. Mielczarek, A. Zakhidov, and Z. V. Vardeny
Nature Physics 11, 427-434 (2015)
"An Unconventional Route to Monodisperse and Intimate Semiconducting Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposites"
H. Xu, X. Pang, Y. He, M. He, J. Jung, H. Xia, and Z. Lin
Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 54, 4636 (2015)
"Laser action and photoexcitations dynamics in PbI2 films"
C.-X. Sheng, Y. Zhai, E. Olejnik, C. Zhang, D. Sun, and Z.V. Vardeny
Optical Materials Express 5, 530-537 (2015).
"Ab initio simulation of charge transfer at the semiconductor quantum dot/TiO2 interface in quantum dot-sensitized solar cells"
X. Xin, R. Biswas, B. Li, J. Jung, and Z. Lin
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization, 32, 80 (featured on the Cover of the January 2015 issue)
"Critical states embedded in the continuum"
M. Koilara, A. Yamilov, A. Basiri, H. Cao, T. Kottos
N. J. Phys. 17, 013003 (2015)
"PT-symmetric microring lasers"
M. Heinrich, H. Hodaei, M.A. Miri, D.N. Christodoulides, M. Khajavikhan
European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Munich, Germany, CB-4-4
"Scattering in PT- and RT-symmetric multimode waveguides: Generalized conservation laws and spontaneous symmetry breaking beyond one dimension"
Li Ge, Konstantinos G. Makris, Demetrios N. Christodoulides, and Liang Feng
Phys. Rev. A 92, 062135 (2015)
"Light transport in PT-invariant photonic structures with hidden symmetries"
MH Teimourpour, R El-Ganainy, A Eisfeld, A Szameit, and DN Christodoulides
Physical Review A 90(5), pp. 053817
"Observation of supersymmetric scattering in photonic lattices"
M. Heinrich, M.-A. Miri, S. Stützer, S. Nolte, D. N. Christodoulides, and A. Szameit
Optics Letters 39(21), pp. 6130-6133
"Light Localization induced by Random Imaginary Refractive Index"
A. Basiri, Y. Bromberg, A. Yamilov, H. Cao, T. Kottos
Physical Review A 90, 043815
"On-chip generation of high-order single-photon W-states"
M Grafe, R Heilmann, A Perez-Leija, R Keil, F Dreisow, M Heinrich, H Moya-Cessa, S Nolte, DN Christodoulides, and A Szameit
Nature Photonics 8(10)
"Crafting unimolecular nanocapsules from photo-crosslinkable core-shell star-like block copolymer"
C. Feng, X. Pang, Y. He, B. Li, and Z. Lin
Chemistry of Materials. 26, 6058
"SUSY-inspired one-dimensional transformation optics"
M.-A. Miri, M. Heinrich, and D. N. Christodoulides
Optica 1, 89
"A new class of optical structures: Supersymmetric mode converters"
S. Stützer, M. Heinrich, M. Miri, R. El-Ganainy, S. Nolte, D. N. Christodoulides and A. Szameit
45th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Madison, Wisconsin, paper N6.00004
"Critical States Embedded in the Continuum"
M. Koirala, A. Yamilov, A. Basiri, Y. Bromberg, H. Cao, T. Kottos
New Journal of Physics 17, 013003
"Reconfigurable Directional Lasing Modes in Cavities with Generalized PT-Symmetry"
J.?M. Lee, S. Factor, Z. Lin, I. Vitebskiy, F.M. Ellis, and T. Kottos
Physical Review Letters 112, 253902
"Continuous and discrete Schrodinger systems with parity-time-symmetric nonlinearities"
A. K. Sarma, M.-A. Miri, Z. H. Musslimani, and D. N. Christodoulides
Physical Review E 89(5), pp. 052918
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